Nd Bonded Magnets


The Nd Bonded magnets are magnets composed of NdFeB particles based on thermoplastics. These magnets are used in applications where more complex and multipolarization formats are needed.

They can be manufactured by two processes:

Compression: For parts with simple geometry

Higher magnetic energy is obtained by having a higher density of magnetic particles. The plastic base is epoxy, which is resistant to industrial solvents and automotive fluids. They have good mechanical resistance and allow reasonably "tight" tolerances.

Injection: For parts of more complex shapes

Nylon, polyamide and PPS are used as a base. They allow the obtainment of complex shapes such as gears, thin rings, arc segments and others. It is possible to incorporate shafts during the injection process.

Nd bonded magnets are isotropic materials and can be magnetized in any direction, and can also magnetize the whole piece or just the part you want. Allows multipolar magnetization, epoxy and parylene coating. It has a good resistance to corrosion and a good resistance to chipping.

Our portfolio has a multitude of shapes, measures and magnetic forces in different grades NB-4, NB-6, NB-8, NB-10, NB-12.

At Brasil Magnets you will find Nd bonded magnets available in several types of shapes and sizes that will suit you in whatever you need! Consult our specialists.




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Grade Br Hc Hci BH max Maximum Working Temperature
Remanence Coercive Force Coercive Force Intrinsic Product of Maximum Energy
G Oe Oe MGOe
NB-4 4.000 / 4.500 3.000 / 4.500 8.000 / 10.000 3,6 / 6,0 120
NB-6 6.000 / 7.000 4.500 / 5.500 8.000 / 10.000 6,0 / 8,0 120
NB-8 6.000 / 7.000 5.000 / 5.500 8.000 / 10.000 7,5 / 9,0 120
NB-10 6.500 / 7.000 5.000 / 5.500 8.000 / 10.000 9,0 / 10,0 120
NB-12 6.800 / 7.500 5.500 / 6.000 8.000 / 10.000 10,0 / 12,0 120

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